Beer and Barley Pre-tour
Are you on the fence about signing up for a pre-tour?
Naturally, with so many amazing Canadian adventures to choose from, this can be a tough decision. However, don’t miss your chance to visit beautiful rural Alberta with the Beer and Barley pre-tour.
Come see Western Canada courtesy of the BCFWA
It won’t just be Alberta on display for the 2023 IFAJ world congress. The BCFWA are hosting a pre-tour prior to the main congress that will take a select group through beautiful British Columbia along with the mountains in Alberta before arriving in Calgary on June 27, 2023.
Planning for Canada 2023; Why Olds?
When it comes to Canadian agriculture, there are so many amazing regions and no shortage of agricultural innovation to show the world.
Johansson excited for IFAJ's return to Canada
IFAJ president Lena Johannson (right) passed the flag on to Olds 2023 co-chair Annemarie Pedersen following the Congress in Denmark in 2022. Johannson and the rest of the IFAJ Presidium is excited to welcome everyone to Canada this summer. (Photo by Becky Zimmer)